Contest Hub

Discover the thrill of trading competitions with FXPropTech's Trading
Contest Hub. Host dynamic contests to showcase your platform, engage
participants, and captivate audiences worldwide.

Key Features
Prize Options

Offer prizes ranging from cash rewards to gadgets, attracting participants with enticing incentives

Custom Contests

Create contests tailored to your preferences, from long term to intraday, focused on various assets.

Rule Customization

Set leverage levels and trading rules to ensure fair competition and serious engagement.

Automated Management

Our platform automates contestant registration, account creation, and leaderboard updates.

Engagement Conversion

Showcase your offerings and convert leads into active traders through engaging competitions.


Enjoy complete transparency with open-source trade results, fostering trust and credibility

Enhanced Participation

Convert leads into active traders with exciting trading competitions.

Brand Exposure

Increase brand awareness and recognition by showcasing your platform and products.

Incentivized Engagement

Engage leads with risk-free incentives, paving the way for conversion into real clients.

start your prop trading firm?
FXPropTech can help.
If you're ready to turn your dreams into a million-dollar trading empire, just tap 'Book an Appointment' now and let's make it happen
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